A little philosophy:
Because the majority of our experience of reality is shaped by the sensory information we receive, persistent discomfort, whether physical or emotional (even when we choose to ignore it), colors the quality of our interactions with others and the look and feel of the world around us. When a body works with optimum comfort and performance, free from restrictions, and imbued with health and feelings of well-being, the experience and outlook of the owner of that body will have a lightness and effectiveness that may have never been felt before, or may have been missing for years.
(Special thanks to J. Martine)
**Please note, the information below pertains to the "Rolfing® Ten-Series." Although this is the traditional
approach (and one that many of my clients ask for), I often perform treatment sessions that are specific to the particular conditions/requests of the client - non-ten-series sessions. I am happy to discuss your treatment options
during your initial visit or phone consultation.**
approach (and one that many of my clients ask for), I often perform treatment sessions that are specific to the particular conditions/requests of the client - non-ten-series sessions. I am happy to discuss your treatment options
during your initial visit or phone consultation.**
Here is a quick overview of the theme (listed next to the session #) and major content of each session of the series:
Session 1. Freeing the breath: The muscles and structures involved in respiration
The goal of this session is to evoke a more balanced breathing pattern by working around the ribcage, shoulders, neck, and head. We also begin the process of mobilizing and allowing the pelvis to become more horizontal by working around the hip joint and legs.
Session 2. Support: The foot, lower leg, and knee
In this session we focus primarily on the lower body, working on the feet, legs, and knees to create a more stable base of support for the upper body. We seek to straighten or enhance the spinal curves as appropriate, by working in the lower, middle, and upper back, and in the neck.
Session 3. Side dimensions: Freeing the ribs and the hips
Here our goal is to enhance front-to-back balance and to continue working with the client’s breathing pattern, continuing the process of freeing the ribs from one another, and the ribcage from the pelvis. This session also ties together the previous two sessions by continuing work on the legs, hips, torso, arms, neck, and head.
Session 4. The Rolfing line: The inner mid-line of the body and the pelvic floor
Now we begin working to establish core support in the legs. Support is created from the inner arches of the feet, up through the inside surfaces of the legs to the pelvic floor, while old patterns of tension and poorly arranged connective tissue are addressed and corrected.
Session 5. The diagonal space: Psoas/rhomboid balance
In this session we lengthen and soften the outer abdominal wall by working with the tissues that line the front of the torso and pelvis to create a more balanced relationship between the inner and outer structures. Communication and connection between the legs and spine are also addressed through the release and lengthening of iliopsoas muscle.
Session 6. Freeing the spinal column: Sacrum, spine, and soleus
This session focuses on establishing more freedom of movement and resilience in the spine through work around the back of the pelvis (including the sacrum and coccyx), the erector spinae muscles, head, and neck. We also address the back of the legs and help to create a sense of unity and freedom throughout the entire back of the body.
Session 7. Putting the head on: Head, neck, and shoulders
Here, we continue treating the upper back, shoulders, and neck. We also sometimes work on the jaw and facial structures in this session. Up to this point, with regard to function and structure, the focus has been slightly more on the undoing than doing–more taking things apart, unhooking, and differentiating. Now we begin to put them back together in more efficient and comfortable arrangements.
Sessions 8, 9 & 10 are usually referred to as “integration sessions,” unique to each client and custom-designed with regard to what areas are best addressed. The emphasis here is on bringing together the renewed body segments, and the majority of time is spent on any remaining problems, and on creating a sense of unity and fluidity throughout the body. Some of the themes addressed here are creating better upper-to-lower-body integration, establishing horizontal planes of support, and overall ease of movement, from the feet up. In the last session there is a final integration and closure.
Book an appointment now:
Jeremy Rosenberg, MS, NCMT
Certified Rolfer®, Nationally Certified Massage Therapist, Certified Yoga Instructor
For more information, or to arrange an appointment, please call 805-665-3728.
Certified Rolfer®, Nationally Certified Massage Therapist, Certified Yoga Instructor
For more information, or to arrange an appointment, please call 805-665-3728.